Tada (I know, finally, was the second part, but my computer has worked for afew days and then other things that just blew my head for a while 'but now, I'm not sure if I will publish next , .. but I know that I want to know what all of you like this story. Do you want to continue on this? Is there something you like? Any predictions? Other couples? Oh and btw, I wrote much more than I therefore had to be separated from the other two parts (: The plotPerhaps some will take off from the fifth? Sorry, guys. Blame youtube and must suck to limit the field description. : P Maybe I'm doing a MM this weekend if I have enough comments. Expect new videos soon (? 10 + comments for the next --- Selena opened her coffee balls to the sound of his ring and gave a sigh tired before the meeting came to a little laugh at the sight of Miley. Sleeping in a Demi & mess of popcorn and junk food vice versa. He reached into the slotbetween the couch and coffee table to grab the phone and answer, to bring the device to the ear. "Hello?" Selena replied trying stiffle a yawn, but failed to giggle what the person on the other end. "Rough night?" His manager asked Taylor and Selena could hear her shuffling some papers, which had assumed his office. "Understatement of the century." He said holding his head in his hands and gave a groan as his head began to throb. "WhatsUp So?" "WeYou must ... !8!# Cheep Hoover S2200 !8!# Ugg Caspia Boots Discounted
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